sunset hoodie
a portrait of a shop
looking west toward the ocean
the golden hour unfolding
into a sunset
hand printed CMY(K) halftones
on a sand color hooded sweatshirt
the way these are printed
the layers of the image
are composed of thousands of small dots
like grains of colorful sand
that’re so fine
they lay onto the fabric
in a way that as they wash and age
they only become softer
and furthermore
they blend differently into each shirt
so just like a sunset
each one is unique
a portrait of a shop
looking west toward the ocean
the golden hour unfolding
into a sunset
hand printed CMY(K) halftones
on a sand color hooded sweatshirt
the way these are printed
the layers of the image
are composed of thousands of small dots
like grains of colorful sand
that’re so fine
they lay onto the fabric
in a way that as they wash and age
they only become softer
and furthermore
they blend differently into each shirt
so just like a sunset
each one is unique
a portrait of a shop
looking west toward the ocean
the golden hour unfolding
into a sunset
hand printed CMY(K) halftones
on a sand color hooded sweatshirt
the way these are printed
the layers of the image
are composed of thousands of small dots
like grains of colorful sand
that’re so fine
they lay onto the fabric
in a way that as they wash and age
they only become softer
and furthermore
they blend differently into each shirt
so just like a sunset
each one is unique